Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Do you ever...

This morning I took the maze of tunnels to work since it was pouring out. As I was on the escalator that brought one from the subway to the lobby of the office builidng above my subway stop, I got that eerie feeling. The lighting was harsh, the commuter masses were dreary and wet, shuffling along, it was silent but for the buzz of the escalator that seemed to be in slow motion. It seemed so unreal, it seemed like I was in a movie - I almost laughed.

As I rushed through the rain, across the street to my office, I realized the irony. Aren't movies trying to capture a small snap shot of life? Even if they are sometimes skewed, isn't that just someones perspective anyways? And here, I thought it was funny that my life was a movie of my life. It probably didn't help that I had my own soundtrack playing on my MP3 player.


Cece said...

You know, when I first got my i-pod - I told Aaron it was like having my own soundtrack! Funny.

Amanda said...

A couple of weeks ago, while I was running in a 5k, I felt like instead of seeing things through my own eyes, I was watching my progress through a camera on my forehead, kind of like they have on Fear Factor. It was weird as hell. No ipod was involved.