Friday, June 30, 2006


Do you ever morph into someone else? I remember when I was younger I had to be careful how I spoke. When I was around someone with an accent, after about ten minutes I'd start adapting it a bit, completely unintionally. But they didn't know that and sometimes they would think that I was making fun of them.

Well, being in my current work environment (i.e. one office with about a dozen of us cramped in together and spilling into each other's spaces - no walls), I've started turning into some of my peers. I've started talking like my boss, I've started dressing like a coworker, I've started laughing like another coworker, the list goes on. I noticed this yesterday on my way home when I realized how much the city was smelling. Now, I'm not a smelling type person, but a coworker of mine has a very heightened sense of smell and is always pointing out things. I was thinking how comments like that can greatly effect how you perceive the world.

Speaking of senses, there is a bloody blue bird (don't know if it's an actual blue bird, but it is blue) that does not have a pretty voice and insists on "talking" at dawn each morning which seems to be about 4:30 am these days. But what can you do - the cats get enjoyment out of it so at least someone is benefiting.

And on a last and final note, got a call today from someone I met last year at a conference in Atlanta. He is good friends with my boss (think they might have worked together or gone to school together). Anways, was looking for my boss, but wanted to talk to me as well. Long story short, he put it out there that if I was ever interested in moving to Portland, they would love to have me come work for them. I'm wracking my brain and I think this offer is solely based off of our initial (and only) conversation we had over drinks at the conference one night. It's always nice to know you make a good impression. So that was my pat on the back for the week (and what a tiring week). Looking forward to a bit of a respet (know idea how to spell that word) although I'm still undecided about taking monday off. Will have to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blue Jay - very noisy.