Thursday, August 24, 2006

The more I try, the worse it gets

Do you ever have one of those days/weeks/months/... where you work so hard to get on top of things, feel like you are, only to realize you are further down than you were before? I think I need a break. I don't think I have properly transitioned into the work force, at least not yet, and miss not having the summer vacation. I discovered a while back that most of my vacation days I negotiated for when I started haven't been used, and factoring in those that will be used at the holidays and those that can be carried over, I still have a week that will be lost if I don't take it in the next couple of months. The catch is that I haven't taken days yet because it is very busy here as we transition into our new space and expand our business - in other words, there is no time for vacation, I'm lucky if I can get away with a 40 hour week (but I do love what I do).

Timing. I oversee about 20 projects - quite a lot but doable, except for the timing. There are 6 projects that are at the most critical stage and require the most handholding, keeping track of numerous items as well as the usual research, calculations, and teaching. I would think 2 would be doable, but three times that amount has me taxed. By the end of the day more issues have come up despite me being on the phone/in meetings all day. It will never end!

Car. Wonderful trip to Syracuse in which I drove - thought I could keep track of time. We were able to get back at a decent time on Sunday and my car did wonderfully - 37 mpg! Hybrid-shmybrid. You ask yourself, what is wrong with this picture. The car did wonderful except... I couldn't shift most of the way back! That's right, we would pull in to a rest stop and I go to downshift and there is nothing - I can't get it into any gear - they were all closed for business. Not sure what is wrong, (not sure if I want to know), but for now, I am leaving the car in the driveway and thanking my lucky stars I use public tranportation for 90% of my transportation needs.

Fighting. Granted it is fighting the good fight, but it gets exhausting. One project I am working on has a green roof in the design and now I am facing the architect taking it out for the most ridiculous reasons. I am a patient person, but this is starting to wear me down. I can argue the tough argument, but arguing the silly fight is draining. (This is from a tour I gave last fall, it was on my camera).

The list could go on, but one can only complain so much. At least I feel like I am accomplishing something (even if I'm not keeping up). Maybe I need to start a new knitting project (even though I need to finish three projects - sew the pieces together).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just 3 words: vacation vacation vacation! Remember, no one is indispensible, although it can sure feel that way!:-)

Someone wise told me, "After me, you come first." passing on the wisdom.