Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Holidays and Telemarketers

I got the big report for work out the door Monday, late. It was a big push and many hours, but it's finally done, sort of. Unfortunately there is still more to do, but for now it's done, and my body just crashed on Tuesday, so stayed home and slept. Next up, Christmas.

Along with feeling stressed about work, I was not liking that time was just breezing by and I hadn't finished Christmas shoping. The tricky one this year was mom. I had collected two items for her over the months, but didn't have that last, great gift to give her. And then, of course, I wanted it to be good as I won't be spending Christmas with her. The good news, is at lunch while out shopping with friends downtown, stumbled upon something - of course, when I wasn't looking. I'll stop by Harvard Square tonight for the last three things I need, and than it's just a matter of packaging everything up and wrapping. I just checked and all the packages I had ordered online (gotta love amazon and ebay) have arrived. So I'm coming down the home stretch.

Tomorrow's my last day, at work, and then off to Vermont, which means no more blogging until the new year. So, as a holiday gift, I leave you this link (it had me crying with laughter - especially as I've started getting telemarketing calls on my cell recently).


Cece said...

Hope you get some rest over the holidays! I'm taking the whole week off next week, if you'd like to come over sometime and hang out...

I tagged you for that '6 weird things about me' meme - if you want to do it. The details are on my blog...

Anonymous said...

Love the link! Sent it to a few people who got hysterical and sent it on to other friends with same results. Quick fix for laughter!