Thursday, July 05, 2007

Turnips and Plaques

Ok, sorry about that brain freeze. I can deal much better with pouring out nothingness on my 101th blog entry. What I wanted to post was two things. I got my latest farm box of produce Tuesday. Still got a bunch of lettuce, but nothing from the freaky farm. Some zuccini and summer squash. Some Swiss Chard. And some items I wasn't sure about. Two small green peppers. I wasn't sure if they were bell peppers or the hotter variety. It turns out at least one was a bell pepper, the verdict is still out for the other one. I got more of what I thought were white radishes. But this time they were so large, they couldn't be, I realized. I did some more research in my vegetable books, and I'm now putting my money on turnips. I roasted them with potatoes and onions and bacon and they were quite yummy, I think.

Partly because I also threw in the last of the unkown vegetable. I looked it up and identified it, it began with an H (I want to say Haikon, or something like that). Well, can't find the image because I can't spell it properly (and google's "did you mean" isn't kicking in). One was purple and one was green. It's not quite a root vegetable. I'll have to let you know next time I post. I'll bring in the name. Of course, on the same website I got the image for turnips, there it is. The vegetabel is called Kohlrabi. K, H, same difference, right? I'll give google some slack since I'll admit I was a little off. It's from the cabbage family. I think I liked the turnips better. Still have to figure out what to do with the greens. I think they are strong like Kale - too much on their own. I bought some parmesian, maybe that will help.

So yesterday, being the fourth, I took it easy and indulged in grocery shopping that included some more produce. I hate to buy produce when I already get produce, but wanted some potatoes (in case I didn't like the turnips on their own), some lemon, tomatoes (haven't gotten mine yet), blueberries, plums (this is a veggi produce box after all, and a girl needs her fruit too). And ended up cutting and chopping and cooking away yesterday. I made the ginger, apple, halibut dish that I stumbled upon. Who knew that a cream sauce with cider vinegar, ginger and sauted apples is just scrumptious on any old white fish (cod last night). And I'm not a big fan of ginger. I was also good and biked up to the pick up. It was such a beautiful day. And even though I got off to a later start due to the subway being backed up - the crowds were amazing at the stops - I thought someone would fall onto the track, there were so many bodies, I still got there with five boxes left! I wasn't the last. I was going to be good and bike again yesterday, but had a slow start and by afternoon the clouds were onimous. Instead, the minute my neighbors left, I ran down to the basement and put in some practice time on the piano. I had just gotten the sheet music to 9 Crimes by Damien Rice the day before and was itching to have a go at it. I still need to practice.

And the second thing I wanted to post, before I forget, is that I found out that I will be recorded in history and in bronze (did I mention this before, apologies if so). A building I'm working on for my town (this is through a committee I'm on, and not through work), is putting up a bronze plaque that includes the building committee members - and there, sixth name down, is little old me. Really, I haven't done much, so feel a little silly. But this is definately getting added to my tour for visitors. Plus, when you visit the site, there is a great view of the city. It's nice that there are only two days left of work - weird feeling with so many people on vacation. This weekend, I think I might take some kids to go see the Transformers movie. I really want to see it, especially on the big screen, and guess I could go on my own. But there are two boys I know whose mom doesn't want to go, so I might just kidnapp them for an afternoon. We'll have to see.


Amanda said...

Ooh, I used to love trying to find recipes to use with the unusual veggies I got from a farmshare years ago! I remember making something with pea shoots... maybe a pea shoot and shrimp soup with noodles? And turnips are yummo. You heard that right... yummo!

Cece said...

Aaron and I want to see Transformers... if you want to go with us?! Maybe Sunday afternoon?