Monday, January 12, 2009

Glasgow prep

I'm off to Bonnie Glasgow this weekend (by way of Dubai and Abu Dhabi). Our corporate headquarters are there and I have a series of meetings with higher ups. I've been working with a crew of scots, irish and english mainly at this new job (in addition to regular old americans here in the boston and san francisco office). I'm struggling with understanding the accent on my phone. Although I realized today that I have trouble understanding everyone on this new phone. I think it might be the phone.

Anyways, I'm meeting with the CEO on friday and he was joshing me about scotish slang. Here's our exchange, which I'm quite proud of (watching BBC pays off - that and the internet):

CEO: Friday morning would be fine except if it is your first day in the office I’ll get someone to take you around to meet everyone. Aw right hen! That is head over the parapet stuff so I will test you when you get here!

ME: That would be pure dead brilliant for someone show me around Friday morning. Understanding sassencachs is mental. I huvny a scooby of half the stuff people are sayin. It’ll be barry meetin with the heid-the-ba and visitin no mean city ova the weekend– I think it’ll be mintit (if I’m not jeeked). Cheers!

P.S. I’m no gowk but a dinnieken what to call ya instead of sassencachs. I ken the difference between a Scot and an Englishman.

We'll see how I survive. Luckily they're putting me up at a posh hotel.

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