Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Police + Bump + Snow + Godlessness

As usual, I’m so far behind on my postings. The thing that trips me up is getting the pictures downloaded so I can upload them. I vow though that I won’t fall into my usual trap and think I need to do things in a certain order. So today I’ll just skip forward to what’s happened in the last few days.

1. Friday. I was rubbing my leg just now and am still amazed what I was able to accomplish on Friday. On my thigh is a big old bruise. For me, nothing new. I usually have one or two at any given time that mysteriously appear. I never usually remember what I bumped into to result in the ghastly black and blues. Except this time. And it was doing something good too! I was looking after my god son – our second babysitting gig. I ran into a corner and boy did it hurt. Even now, five days later, there is still a big old bump accompanying the bruise.

2. Sunday. Snow like you’d never believe. I posted it snowed last week, but not like on Sunday. It was big old plump flakes falling quite a bit and for at least four hours plus. I even captured them on my phone camera. Maybe, some day they will leave the phone and find their way to this post. I love snow. It even stuck to the ground and didn’t completely melt. Not enough to shovel though.

3. Tuesday. Yesterday, I was on my way home from work. I just got off the bus and was waiting to cross the busy street. In my town, cars are supposed to stop if a pedestrian is in the cross walk. Which they usually do, if they see you. It was dark nighttime. On my left the one car coming stopped. It was a police car and I waived thanks and proceeded to the middle of the road, looking right and realizing I’d have to wait until the swarm of cars just released from the light to pass. It was dark out and not likely they see me until after it was too late to stop. And then all of a sudden I see blue lights. The police car behind me had just turned them on to stop the traffic for me to cross. Wasn’t that sweet?

4. Today. I was on the subway this morning, doing some desperate knitting (I’m so behind on all the baby knitting I need to be doing, don’t get me started). I was people watching and noticed a strange billboard advertisement by the subway door. Usually it’s for something like a local University or visiting Bermuda or a local comedy club. This one though peaked my interest (is that the right spelling?). It was about God. Nothing new there as local churches will advertise frequently. Who knew there was a movement like this. Anyways, here’s my image for the day:

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