Monday, February 04, 2013

Friday* Night Leftovers

Started writing this on Friday:
  • This has been a long week. A good week, but long. My mind and body are tired.
  • My refrigerator is practically empty - I can’t wait until Whole Foods moves in next door later this year.
  • This will mean I will have two Trader Joe’s and three Whole Foods within 2 miles of my place. And yet I still probably won’t be able to keep my fridge stocked.
  • I’m also looking forward to my brother moving to the area. It’s not a done deal yet (and hopefully I’m not jinxing anything) but he may end up next town over for at least two years. I’m surprised how excited I am to have him as a neighbor. I’m hoping I can get a Sunday night dinner thing going where we can invite various family and friends over.
  • I just got new shoes. $250 ballet flats in leopard print that I would have never considered. I have a coworker who has the same size feet and realized they didn’t fit. I got them for free and loving them, not just because they were free. It’s like it’s Christmas all over!
  • I pulled out an old sweater in my drawer I keep clothes that are too small for me but I love too much so haven’t let go. Good news, the sweater fit. Bad news - it looks like something’s been eating them. I’m starting to think I have moths or whatever all over my place. I don’t even know where to start!
  • I still wore the sweater to work today - they went with the new shoes and if I keep the sweater bunched at the bottom, no one notices. Plus I work with mostly men who don’t notice these things.
  • I’m looking forward to catching up with some friends. Making a tour of north shore. Running by Wakefield for a craigslist pick-up, dinner in Danvers and then checking out a friends band in Beverly.
Ended writing this on Monday:
  • Looks like the only piece of clothing with holes in the drawer with the sweater was the sweater. Isolated incident?
  • I felt like an old foggie Saturday night, by 11 pm, I was ready to call it a night!
  • Dinner was great - 9 Elm Street in Beverly. I had an amazing dish with roasted duck and risotto.
  • Great fun hanging out with my friend Sarah, we’re both single, and it turns out the same age. Nice to share that perspective in life with someone.
  • The bar my friend was playing at was a very townie bar so great fun people watching. Their band was a craigslist band - which is apparently a fairly common thing. Friends of the other band mates also showed up and had fun hanging out with people I wouldn’t necessarily hangout with.
  • One guy served in Iraq with the drummer and worked at a bar himself - used to carding people. He had wicked good skills guessing ages. He guessed my friends age on the nose. When it came to me he ended up guessing 4 years younger! And then when I said he was off, he went even lower. Normally, at work, I’m always trying to be wise beyond my years and act older. But not when I’m out and about. It was a nice little compliment. Granted he was a big flirt.
  • I’ve been rearranging my living room furniture trying to find a layout I like. The new arrangement is good, except for the big wall in the room. I’m itching to knock it down. It’s part of the master plan, but I still have a ways to go before I have funds. But now my coach is staring at it, feet away and it’s screaming - knock me down and make this room bigger! I think I’ll start painting the wall as a way to distract myself. I’m thinking some crazy mural. It’s fun in that I know it doesn’t have to be perfect since I’m knocking it down and in the meantime can always paint over it. Now I just got figure out the what. 
  • Did I mention I've been really nesting lately?  I think it's because it's winter.

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