Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Fun Websites

Cleaning out old files, I came across this list of grammar/punctuation themed blogs/websites. No clue where I found these. Far from being grammatically correct, I have to say I still appreciate the collection. 


And a fun love affair with one character in particular:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a hoot! (Or should it be "hoots"?) Apostrophes, loved "lunch's" & "apple's" & "grape's". Most of all I love: Independent doctors of Optometry - Walk in's available." Well, maybe that' because one feels bad for the person with the very large arm tattoo with "Loser's" engraved forever.
The Quote's blog had a special hit with its "Bathrooms" and repeated quote bracketed phrases - comment was good: what is it about magical bathrooms."?
The UK grammar blog has an astonishing Bridle shower invitation; love the Contact with Reg@walmart scribbled at the bottom. Thanks for chuckles! - M.