Thursday, July 23, 2015


Just heading home after an impromptu mini reunion of old colleagues from my first job in Boston. Doug was in town visiting from San Diego so we all met up in JFK park by the Harvard Kennedy School. It was great seeing everyone and even crazier when three people turned up pregnant - Andrea and Marie due next month and Colleen due in three months. And Holly with her two month twins. 

A great evening to catch up - nice mild weather while the kids ran around playing.  Doug has two and Colleen, Andrea and Marie each have a boy already. 

As I'm heading home after an after work get together I can't help but compare it to eight years ago when we were all working together and would stay out much later over drinks. In a way it's nice to head home while its still light - I was thinking of ducking out early if went too long since I do like an early night. But was finding everyone else was on the same schedule too. 

Marie and I left together and resolved to get together in September. A little after the new one arrives. We both commented how nice it was to fall back into old ways with each other. Not always the case with old friends. 

All in all a nice and pleasant night and a pleasant reminder of how far I've come since my earlier days. And what a great group I worked with when first starting out in Boston and this career. 

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