Here's what went down, my period finally arrived at 3 am, and by the time the gym opened, I was cramping and used that as an excuse. In reality, it was part the cramps but also, the hormones were raging and I was feeling really down. I figured I'd wait until the afternoon when the cramps should have lessened. Good in theory but by then my mental mood was in a rut and I just wanted to cuddle up and not leave the house. So I need to figure out a toolbox of things to have on hand when I'm heading into a slump. So far I've found the following are always small steps that help maintain or step me up:
1. Exercise. I need to figure out if increasing the length or intensity have an impact. It gives me a hit of happy. The problem is how long it lasts.
2. Finish a project. I stumbled on this one. Something switched inside of me and all these projects I've had for years I'm knocking out or calling it quits and getting rid of. I was surprised the other day that when I finished wrapping my books I felt really good. My living room gets a ton of sun and the books get bleached otherwise. Be careful of projects I can get stuck on or projects that take too long. It's the act of finishing not just working on the project. The joy of accomplishment.
3. Reset Body. This is obvious but often gets neglected. I've learned to go through my checklist. Drink more water, eat more healthy food (I'll forget/not realize I'm hungry), take a shower, brush and floss teeth.
4. Reset Rooms. I've realized that usually I'm ok with clutter but become more sensitive to clutter during down times. It adds to the negativity. The simple act of surrounding myself with a positive energy room instead of a negative energy room makes a difference. Weird. This time I found that resetting rooms that I inhabit the most made a difference. I started with my kitchen, doing the dishes putting stuff away and deal with the stuff that had been sitting around for awhile to be dealt with or bring down to the basement. The next time I entered the kitchen I got a little jolt of joy seeng a nice and tidy room. The surfaces were empty and clear other than my carefully curated vignettes. It looked pretty and made me feel happy I had such a nice place/things. I did the same with my bedroom, and back sunroom. Folding throw blankets, putting away unfinished projects. All surfaces were cleared.
5. Go outside. I always feel good after gardening outside. I've been putting it off some days since I'm conscious to limit my time outside between 10 and 2 to reduce sun exposure. As a result I haven't been outside for awhile. I need to remember it's good to get out and since it's getting darker earlier these days, I need to try getting out in the morning after the gym. Maybe I'll try a different sequence. Instead of gym-breakfast-projects now I'll try breakfast-gym-gardening so I just garden when I get home.
6. Have a cup of tea. I set out last year to enjoy tea, never being a big tea drinker but wishing I was. I never explored why I wanted to like tea other than being an Anglophile. Now I realize, in the UK, anytime something goes wrong, you have a cup of tea. The act of making a cup and enjoying the drink basically helps you smooth yourself I think. Luckily I've been associating tea with comfort and coziness which carries through times I'm not. Plus it adds fluids to the body which is good.
1. Refined Sugar. I knew this but still wanted something sweet and ended up making cookies. Ironically this was a mini boost for accomplishing a project (finishing up almond meal that I wanted to use up). But latter felt icky after eating the cookies (I always end up eating a few more than I should).
Modification: my urge for something sweet is hard to ignore. Next time instead of using only will power, make some energy bites instead. They are sweetened with honey but overall give an energy boost and otherwise are healthy.
2. Getting stuck on a project. I'm at the end of my very first sweater I designed myself. Except the button band isn't simple and I keep finding I do something and it's not quite right. This fine normally as I'm exploring the best techniques. But when I'm down, this is just discouraging and saps my limited positivity storage.
Modification: prepare projects by testing out making part of it or one of a thing when times are good and then package in a bag or box all the supplies to continue or make other items. Basically do the prep, exploration, creating and figuring out when things are good.
Well, that's my list of things so far. I'll have to think and see if I can come up with more before next month hits. I'm resolved to figure this out - nothing like trial and error. I need to run - off to bingo! I've wanted to go to bingo for five years now and am joining my friend and her mother. Hopefully it's not too expensive.
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