Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This morning I was a sad mess. My tooth with a new filling hurt when I ate, I have a head cold with a wicked sore throat and a red and runny nose and last night I tore my contact and left half of it in my eye - it migrated to the back and I still couldn't get it out!

But things are looking up. I popped into my dentist and they verified everything was good just give it time. Much better than having to have more work done. Then tonight at work I was rubbing my eye and was able to shift the contact and got it out. I drank twice as much liquids - water and tea galore so hopefully I'm flushing the system of the cold.

I did miss my bus tonight so had to wait for an extra half hour. I miss having the bike but its gotten cold and dark. On the upside I did have a good mystery, a Peter Robinson one that I picked up in Greenwich England at an Oxfam - this is now becoming tradition. And I just found out that Whole Foods is opening tomorrow! I'm so excited to have one so close by. Which is crazy lazy since I already have 2 Whole Foods and 2 Trader Joes within 2 miles. Now it will be 3!

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