Monday, October 06, 2014

Daily Struggles

It's funny how my daily struggles span the gamut. I started the day with a home issue. As mentioned before, I had a mouse (singular) invasion. This morning as I was doing dishes I was conscious of a sound in my cupboards -very faint. I would stop and turn off the water and listen. And there it was. I would open the lower cabinets thinking it was a cat who got in but nothing and go back to cleaning only to hear the noise again. 

I would stop and listen more attentively and that's where the imagination would take over. When I was investigating I noticed yet another hole cut in the wall inside the cabinet to allow for wires but also to allow for mice from the basement. I started imagining more and moreover taking residence and I opened the cupboard doors again to search. But nothing and the mouse would stop making noises. 

Finally a noise catches my attention - it's higher up and I open the cupboard door next to my head. And what am I greeted with?  Wallace!  Rather I should say Wallis which is the feminine spelling. I have no idea not only how she got up there but also closed the door behind her. I was just relieved it wasn't another rodent to deal with. That's my morning home life struggle - worrying about mice. 

Then I go to the dentist for my semi annual cleaning only to find out I'm grinding my teeth even more these days (at night since I've worked on the issue during the day) and have cracked another filling. I had been looking into a night guard but was struck by the price at the drugstore. Well this morning I pulled the trigger and got the full custom version at the dentist for mucho $$. Figures it pays for itself after two replacement fillings. But hate shelling that much money out to deal with stress. 

And then tonight, I end the night with drinks with an old colleague. Over a fancy drink and some steak tartar (with brioche my favorite) we catch up and come to the same conclusions of injustices in our market. I'm going through a professional battle up the corporate ladder currently and it's exhausting but has to be done. And that is my biggest work struggle currently. It's exhausting. 

On a side note I had lunch with a former staff from a previous company and it was great to see how well she has grown and maneuvered through the corporate world. 

And I should be meeting up with an old high school friend I haven't seen since the 90s. We were bestirs in high school and then went different directions in college. It will be fun to catch up and I always find it intriguing what paths people take. I think she went the home route versus the career route. It's just a matter of finding a time that works for both of us this weekend - busy schedules. 

Today has been interesting since I was dealing with home and personal health and career and networking and old friends. The whole spectrum of life!


Anonymous said...

How could Wallis have levitated to the top of the cabinet? Mysterious! The other day I kept thinking I heard a muffled mewing. Checked the usual places but nothing. Went outside to see if Hector was making the noise (neighbor's cat). Finally discovered Will in the downstairs bath. He'd figured out how to open the shower door where dog & cat food are secured. Ha! Then got shut in the room. Now have to block the door. Or find a new vault for the food. When it's on sale I buy ahead, hence the storage. :)

Anonymous said...

"Walter in the refrigerator with the chicken."

Memorable, especially since we had no idea how he managed to burgle the refrigerator.