Wednesday, February 04, 2015

More Snow Again!

Well we got about another 2 feet Monday. And this just after last weeks 2 feet. It was such a nice storm - still overcast all day with the snow falling from dawn to dusk. Layer on top of that the wind. Often you couldn't tell if it was actually snowing or just blowing about. Which made it challenging/fruitless to shovel in intervals throughout the storm. It was cozy staying inside. 

It's getting hard finding places for the snow.  I was out Tuesday morning and shoveling for several hours. Here's a before picture:

The pictures really aren't doing justice to the height of the snow. Along my sidewalk to my house its above my hips. Lots of places are 5+ feet due to the drifting. 

I made a decision not to dig my car out. Don't really need it since everything is in walking distance. 

Usually I don't worry about too many layers since you work up a sweat and get overheated.  But with temperatures in single digits and a wind factor I was bundled up. 

There is something very fulfilling after a morning shoveling. Seeing all that you've accomplished. It sure was quite a workout. 

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