Friday, November 07, 2014


I don't usually write about the specifics of work because I believe there is a professional responsibility of confidentiality - don't air your dirty laundry online for all to see. But I wanted to record a moment of today. As my boss says, it's always good to end the week with good news. 

As a preface, I've been working on my leadership role. Both pushing for the position but also learning and observing those around me as I refine my "executive presence". I have one project I was managing that wrapped up earlier this year with a study of our findings. Today, We were presenting to the team we had been working with but also, more importantly, to a new team working on another project that is being done in parallel. 

We are sub-contracted to another firm who is prime.  "Niall", from the prime firm, and I prepped last week for the presentation for today. I had thought it was what it seemed at face value - presenting our findings and hopefully moving to the next stage of the project. 

But as the meeting progressed there was a lot of discussion about this other project that is happening in parallel. A lot of the issues and questions that were being raised were right in my area of expertise. Not only was I able to speak knowledgeably, I was also able to weave in the bigger picture and indirect marketing. As a result we were asked to come back and continue our efforts, not only for the project we initially did the study for but also for this other project. And in a role we don't usually get asked to the table - informing team selection and other up front work.  It's really exciting. 

As I was walking back to the office I knew I had done a good job, leading the discussions and shining. But I didn't realize how well until I get the following message from the fellow who heads up the existing project we had been working on:

"I thought you did an excellent job today. "Louis" is very tough to win over and he would not have asked to have you come back if he was not impressed."

I quickly did some research online and found out "Louis" is one of the top guys.  So even more of a compliment. As I said before - a great way to end the work week. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurray! Hurray! Only a matter of time until the firm discovers your the jewel in their crown. Great work.