Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Morning commute race

I'm getting ready this morning and check my phone app to see when the next bus is coming and it says 1 minute with the next buses not coming for 15-20 minutes.  So I run out the door grabbing my jacket, bag, keys and sunglasses. I'm dashing down my street and see the bus but I'm in luck because it's stopped at the red light on the Main Street. I round the corner and am running to the end of the block thinking I'll make it. 

As I'm running I see two other guys coming from the opposite direction also running. It's like the Amazing Race on an early Tuesday morning. Who will get to the stop first. I'm the farthest away but I also notice something is different. Like a tree was cut down. And then it clicks - the bus stop sign pole is gone. A moment later the guys get to where the pole used to be and realize it's gone too and are looking all around. By then, still running, I've spotted the new location of the bus stop a little further down on the corner across the street. 

As I'm running up to the old stop we all comment that the bus stop is gone and I point out the new location and as I'm running by they join up but I've got momentum on my side. And I get to the new stop first a split second before the bus pulls up. I win!

As we're boarding we're wondering when it happened. One guy said he saw the old stop just last week. I swear I boarded the bus yesterday at the old stop. And I think I saw it last night as I was coming home - but it was dark and I wasn't really paying attention to the bus stop but think I remember someone waiting there. Or was that a different night? 

As we board the young lady driving the bus is just as surprised as we are and comments, "they moved the bus stop - when did this happen?"

A fun little moment this morning a la Amazing Race style. It means I'll need a little more time or I need to get faster for my morning dash.

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