Monday, November 10, 2014


One of the things that have shifted for me this year are my shopping habits. The fun shopping - non essentials.  One thing has been I've been going through and trying to do a deep cleaning of my stuff based on the project 33 premise. Basically you wear 10% of your wardrobe 90% of the time.  As I've been more critical of what I buy for clothes same goes for the rest. The other thing, is that I've slowly been recovering from TJ Maxx syndrome.  I still shop there but it's taken time to learn how to pass up the great deals on stuff I don't exactly need or doesn't exactly fit.   It's been about 6 months since my last visit where I left the store spending $8. 

This weekend I had my errands to run that included searching for items on the eternal list.  Basically stuff I'd like to get but can take my time to find just the right one like a new bathrobe since my current one is still functional but has seen better days.  So it was time to hit TJ Maxx/Home Goods store and hope I didn't leave empty handed with nothing crossed off the list.   

By days end, I had spent a good chunk of change, regressed on one my secret pleasures (bedding) and stumbled upon a bunch of goodies.

1. Accidentally went to KMart since I forgot Home Goods doesn't open until 11 am. I found the vacuum I was wanting to buy and on sale for $20 less then Best Buy.  And one less store to visit.  I got my first stick vacuum in the hopes that if I don't have to lug out and plug in a vacuum I'll be more likely to vacuum frequently. I'm not a big fan of the colors but from research it looked like the best one for my needs and seems promising from my quick vacuum this morning before it was fully charged. 

2. While at KMart I looked for storage bags for my trunk to corral all the emergency gear. Found something that was cheap and would work brilliantly but they only had one left in black and I wanted three. So visited a second store later in day and while heading to the check out see a lady with cat stuff and figure I can get cat toys here and cross off having to visit Petco. Not only did I find the cats' new favorite toys, they had the perfect cat carriers - right size, color, price and sturdiness!  Another thing to cross off the eternal list. I had been looking everywhere and not finding anything.

3. On to Marshals which opens at 10 am. I was doing good, having already crossed a few things off the list.  And this is where I go a little rogue. I enjoyed a leisurely perusal of the aisles and was using my new system - no cart and just making note in my head of things to come back and get at the end of the shopping.  If I didn't remember it, likely I don't really need it. And studies show that you are 90% more likely to buy something you pick up and carry around.  About half way through I had to break down and get a cart. I got a lovely Calphone saucepan - not on the list, but useful and already used it today.  I got some clinique skin care goodies - not on the list specifically although on the general list - "look into better skin care products for my older skin".  A few other kitchen and beauty products made it into the cart - but nothing too bad. And then I hit the linens section.

4. A little bit about me and linens. I don't know why but I love linens like some women love shoes. I can have more than I really use, but can't resist the beauty. I'm speaking bedding really.  Ever since my twenties my heart skips a beat when I spy a beautiful set of sheets. So much so, I put a self imposed ban a few years back.  This fall I went through my stash and put together "outfits". Sometimes I get individual sheets (flat only) and I've got tens one beautiful blankets and duvet covers.  I weeded out the pieces I wasn't in love with anymore or couldn't find an outfit for.  I got it down to a good dozen sets/outfits. I noted the gaps I still had - a duvet color in x color to go with three sheet sets.   So when I stumbled upon some wonderful pieces in clearance, I started to revisit the gap list. On it was a set of new white crisp sheets since I no longer had a set - that justified the first bag to go into the cart. The beautiful red duvet cover went in since I knew I had a gap in my duvet covers - in it goes (although I couldn't quite think of what sheet outfits would go with this particular duvet.  Part of me definitely looked the other way.)

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