Sunday, June 26, 2016

Whole30 I made it to Day 30

I did it!  I made it through all thirty days. Yesterday I went to the BBQ I mentioned before. Lots of temptation and I didn't really set myself up well. I wasn't super hungry these last few days, so lunch time yesterday I was in the middle of a project and kept putting off eating. Until I was scrambling getting ready to run out the door. I ate a few strips of steak and a banana on the go. I wasn't super full but figured I could eat stuff at the BBQ. 

Except the spread was all desserts and pasta salads and other stuff. The only items that were compliant were fruit platters and hamburgers from the grill. The first few had cheese on them, but then a bunch came out that were plain. I had thought there would be some veggies.  None, there was maybe one pasta dish that a tiny amount of tomatoes. But not a single green vegetable, solo or in a dish. Isn't that crazy. 

It was nice being able to talk about the Whole30 with a few people. I ended up talking with the girlfriend of my friends brother for quite awhile about it. She just was diagnosed with super low iron. Her energy levels had dropped so low she had trouble walking a block with out becoming winded. And now that she was on iron supplements, it was like night and day.  We talked about how the energy levels just slowly dropped over time, and you end up just pushing through and attributing it to life - stress and getting old. But now that things have shifted, you are just so appreciative of the new energy.  The whole time we were talking, I kept thinking "don't blow it".  Her boyfriend (my friends brother), is going to ask her to marry her this weekend, but it hadn't happened yet.  And I didn't want to be the one to let the cat out of the bag. I was good though, so she didn't suspect anything from me.   

When it came to the sugar, I did take a look at the cookies and cupcakes and other sweets. And although I wanted to try some, it was more of that absent minded eating, except I was conscious of it. I was happy to see they hadn't set up the cotton candy machine. I think I mentioned in a previous post, a year back or so, how they ended up buying a cotton candy machine which got me thinking about buying my own.  There's nothing more heavenly then maple syrup cotton candy. Something I discovered when I moved to New England, which is made with Indian sugar, basically crystallized syrup. And I could eat it everyday. I ended up not buying a machine, I was good. 

They did have their snow cone machine out, and Maggie really wanted to make me a snow cone since she was manning it. I asked for a plain one. She was like, what is a plain one?  And I explained it was just ice.  She ran off, and came back with two plain ones - one for me and one for her. So all good. 

Then a few hours in, out it came, the cotton handy machine and everyone has these humongous cotton balls. Blue and pink clouds were floating around everywhere. They were sitting next to me and being offered up. Part of me wanted some, out of habit/tradition or whatever you call it. I guess because my brain is like "you love cotton candy, therefore you should eat some right now". But the other part of me really didn't crave any. I think I'm getting this sugar thing out of my system. I really wasn't that tempted that much. It did help they weren't the maple syrup kind, because then I probably would have had some (once I was done with my 30 days of detoxing). But the blue and pink kind just isn't as good anymore. I'm guessing if I was hungry, I would have been weaker. So that's good to keep in mind for future. 

The last bit I have to share was at the end of the night, I was making my rounds saying goodbye.  At one point I was over with some people, who happened to be standing near the cotton candy machine actually. Cameron comes over and sits on the stool, eating something, and picking at the remnants of the crystallized blue sugar in the machine. We're chatting and I mention, "do you know I haven't eaten any sugar for 30 days". His response was "no way, I don't believe you". And I said, "yeah, I wanted to see if I could go without sugar for a month". And he repeats, "no way, I don't believe you". He's staring at me in utter disbelief, trying to figure out if I'm pulling his leg and being my usual self of saying funny, silly things, and this falls in that category or if I really mean it. I still don't know if he believes me but had to laugh that it blew a seven year olds brain, the idea of no sugar, not just for one day but for a whole month. 

I'm off to make breakfast.  I really want my regular, hearty breakfast since I'm going orienteering today, running around in the woods. But, today is the day I start reintroducing foods and testing out their reactions. Today is non-gluten grains. I have to figure out what items to reintroduce. Partly because I have to pack my lunch, since we're having a BBQ after the orienteering. Maybe I'll make a rice dish for lunch. I'll keep you posted. 

Oh and I forgot to report, I weighed myself and I'm down ten pounds. I was starting to wonder if it was all in my head. I was trying on some skirts/pants yesterday I hadn't worn for awhile, trying to figure what to wear, and found them tight to get on - the thighs. So started to wonder.  But nope, lost 10 pounds - probably mostly from the belly. And the thing is I ate a ton of food at each meal this last month. I never went hungry. Which I love. Before all this, I was starting to learn about what calories food had and getting up to speed on all the food nutrition stuff and it was a lot. I really didn't want to keep a food journal counting calories, and portioning my meals but still being hungry, but felt like I needed to do something to keep things in check. Now I have this new way where I just eat as much meat and vegetables as I want and keep an eye on the grains, dairy and sugars.  That seems so much easier. 

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