I have so many things I wanted to jot down and have become back logged so decided to do a quick recap/update. Figure it's better than nothing. Not in order of importance, but hopefully chronological:
1. Blinddate (7/22). Long story short, went well, but no sparks. In fact it turns out we are on differing sides on quite a few political issues. Normally I wouldn't talk politics on the first date, but since it was one of his two interests (and I know nothing of sports), discussions went there. Suprisingly it was quite fun discussing the topics and realized his decisions were based on good principles, but just in a very black and white world (in my opinion). We had fun and hopefully a friendship will form out of this.
2. Bridal Shower (7/22). In support of my coworker, Colleen (her wedding is next Saturday!), I went down to the Newburry Street area - very foo-foo and I haven't been in that part of Boston yet, which was nice. I got to meet a lot of her friends, but unfortunately, wasn't feeling to well after dinner so had to bow out of dancing (ok, I was planning on skipping that part anyways, but honest, I really wasn't feeling well). She had a grand old time being princess for the night and being surrounded by a wonderful group of girls.
3. Visit with Tellings (7/23). Turns out I visited them on a private island,
Naushon Island, owned by the Forbes and you have to be family or be specially invited to visit. I had a great time visiting the Tellings. I got up early, still a little bit dehydrated from the night before and headed off down to Woods Hole. I wasn't exactly sure how long a drive it would take (just under 2 hours), but had found out there was only one ferry that day so didn't want to miss it! I got there about a half hour or so early which was good as I had to park a ways off in the secret parking lot (I still have the pass, undated so can park down there again in case I wanted to go to Martha's Vineyard). It was great seeing the whole family (sans Ned - the middle kid). Very strange catching up with Sally and Ned, the two kids I had babysat. Even though they were taller than me, they looked somewhat the same, but the strange part was that their voice didn't match anymore. Very errie. Sally has been doing a great job of being a single-mother and raising her daughter, Daysha (spelled phonetically here), who is 2 years old - very sweet and not too spoilt like many kids these days. Hopefully, I'll see more of than as they live up in Vermont.
4. The following week. No clue what I did that week. Work, work, work. I'm sure there were some interesting things. Caught up with Galen, a coworker after celebrating another coworkers birthday and he was very supportive of my whole house situation. Interesting to hear about some unrest at work from others. At the end of our evening he said something criptic about my job, which has me curious but haven't been able to figure it out yet.
5. Wellfleet (7/29-30). My dad and Barbro brought up my brother's bike (or rather brought down as they are up in VT). I talked them in to visiting Wellfleet out on the Cape as one of the projects I am working on,
Audubon Wellfleet Bay, has pretty much finished construction and was having a barbq. We never made it. After sitting in the unairconditioned car stuck in the traffic going over the bridge to the cape, we didn't get to Wellfleet until much later than planned. The director I knew there was nice to give us a personal tour and it was great to see the finished product. Luckily, we didn't just drive out for a 20 minute tour. We had a great time staying with a friend of Barbro's, Lisa and Cole's who live in Wellfleet. It was gorgous, and we had a relaxing evening chatting. They took us on a tour of all the wonderous beaches and I really want to go visit again.
6. Following week. Still no clue.
7. Unglorioius weekend (8/5-6). After the two previous weekends where I vacationed on a private island and stayed at a gorgous place in Wellfleet on Cape Cod, this weekend was pretty low key. In an attempt to get on top of things, I decided to focus on issues at work and ended up coming into work on Sunday - free parking and I went to Filene's Basement at lunch. Got a lot of work done and felt much better this week. So much so I am planning on coming in again this weekend - but that's the last of it.
That's about it I think. I'm sure I've forgotten tons, but just need to cut my losses and move on. In knitting news, I am done with my sweater, the pieces part, am working on putting it together and working on the collar. The book this pattern (and many others I like) is on loan from Cece, but I found a copy on ebay (very suprisingly) and almost got it but then someone came in at the last minute and outbid me (very frustrating - it should have been mine!) I will have to resort to photocoping my favs. This weekend, in addition to work, I get to visit Andrea at her new housewarming party (ok, apartment). Supposedly we will be sunbathing by her pool, but frankly, it's been very unaugust like around here, which might be good as I'm not a big bathingsuit person.
Well, that's all for now - home to enjoy movies I got from the library and just relax!